This assessment will help us to understand risks and shape our guidance and service support to your company, and to cease the risk of data loss or other data security incidents within your business. Firstly we need to know a bit about you and your organisation.

Initial Information




Cloud File Sharing

0% Complete

Please Fill out These Fields

Fields with asterisk(*) are required.


How many users do you have?

Next we need to ask you some questions about your business IT
infrastructure. Once the above is complete, just click on the
"Infrastructure" button below to continue.

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Computer infrastructure

How many of the following computer types does your company use:

Windows laptops:

Apple laptops

Windows PCs

Apple Mac desktops


Android tablets

Which operating systems

 Windows XP
 Windows Vista
 Windows 7
 Windows 8/8.1
 Windows 10
 Linux (Debian)
 Linux (RPM)

Does your company use a server to store data?

Are 3rd party applications (i.e. Sage, Trigold, etc) used to process customer data?

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Business processes survey

Are your computers encrypted?

How many computers would you need to encrypt?

Select the number of individual machines you would need to be encrypted to be data compliant. If more than 20 please contact us.

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How do you backup company data?

How much data would need to be backed up?

If you currently back up data, are the backups encrypted?

How many machines need backup?

How do you access email?

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Does your company need to share data in the cloud for staff to remotely access with insecure cloud platforms such as Dropbox, Google etc

Do you or your users ever move data using USB memory devices?

Are any users required to work from home and access company data?

Further info

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Some of our clients