How To Ensure You Are Data Compliant

The Data Protection world is changing so protecting your data goes into the heart of SRA and ICO Data Protection compliance. Anything that suggests legal sector data controllers do not have adequate data protection controls around your client data, as required under Principle 7 of the Data Protection Act, will cut across SRA compliance requirements and leave you liable for […]

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Broker fined £175,000 by the ICO

Top 50 broker slammed by Information Commissioner’s Office for ‘unbelievable’ security failures. The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) has hit broker Staysure with a £175,000 fine after its customer records were hacked and used for fraud. More than 5,000 customers had their credit cards used by fraudsters. Hackers potentially had access to more than 100,000 live […]

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Top 33 Reasons Dropbox Is Not For Confidential Business Data

Since Dropbox™ was developed for consumers, it falls short for Data Protection business use. It doesn’t address the requirements of team-based scalability, collaboration or security features. This study addresses the Top 33 Things Dropbox Can’t Do For Your Business. Highlights: Dropbox can’t guarantee data integrity or availability Dropbox doesn’t provide complete control over file access Dropbox […]

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CryptoLocker, how to avoid your business being infected

What is CryptoLocker? CryptoLocker is an extremely nasty ransomware which essentially encrypts all of your data on your computer or server and then demands a payment from you in return for the decryption key. Hence the term ‘ransom’ware. However, there is a time period attached and once lapsed, the ransom amount to pay then increases. […]

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