The Data Protection world is changing so protecting your data goes into the heart of FCA and ICO DPA compliance. Anything that suggests data controllers do not have adequate data protection controls around your customer data, as required under Principle 7 of the Data Protection Act, will cut across FCA compliance requirements and liable for enforcement action for non-compliance.

Under the new DPA legislation many advisor firms will soon find themselves having to employ a data protection officer, report breaches and improve consent requirements under the new regulations.

JMS Secure Data have an integral understanding to comply with FCA Data Protection Compliance as required by the ICO under the Data Protection Act. We provide advice and recommendations to ensure you meet the FCA’s ‘Financial Crime Guide’ minimum requirements around data security treatment in the form of third party outsourcing arrangements for client data but more importantly the requirement for relevant benchmark encryption for customer data in electronic form.

If you operate in Financial Services, don’t leave your DPA compliance status to chance – take our 60 second DPA compliance check to see if your business is at risk for non-compliance.


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