Scary But True Facts About Data Loss

The average failure rate of disk and tape drives is 100% – ALL DRIVES WILL EVENTUALLY FAIL.

Only 34% of companies test their tape backups and, of those who do, 77% have found failures.

60% of companies that lose their data will go out of business within 6 months of the disaster.

Over ½ of critical corporate data resides on unprotected PC desktops and laptops.

Key causes for data loss are:

78% Hardware or system malfunction
11% Human error
7% Software corruption or program malfunction
2% Computer viruses
1% Natural disasters
1% Other

Only 25% of users frequently back up their files, yet 85% of those same users say they are very concerned about losing important digital data.

More than 22% said backing up their PCs was on their to-do list, but they seldom do it.

30% of companies report that they still do not have a disaster recovery program in place, and 2 out of 3 feel their data backup and disaster recovery plans have significant vulnerabilities.

1 in 25 laptops are stolen, broken or destroyed each year.

Today’s hard drives store 500 times the data stored on the drives of a decade ago. This increased capacity amplifies the impact of data loss, making mechanical precision more critical.

You have a 30% chance of having a corrupted file within a one-year time frame.

Tape drives fail on average at 100%; that means ALL tape drives fail at some point and do NOT offer complete protection for your data if a natural disaster, fire, or terrorist attack destroys your office and everything in it.

20% of small to medium businesses will suffer a major disaster causing loss of critical data every 5 years. (Source: Richmond House Group)

This year, 40% of small to medium businesses that manage their own network and use the Internet for more than e-mail will have their network accessed by a hacker, and more than

50% won’t even know they were attacked.

About 70% of business people have experienced (or will experience) data loss due to accidental deletion, disk or system failure, viruses, fire or some other disaster

The first reaction of employees who lose their data is to try to recover the lost data themselves by using recovery software or either restarting or unplugging their computer — steps that can make later data recovery impossible.

If you are concerned about data loss in your business contact a member of our team or to get some advice please contact us or fill in our 3 minute enquiry form.
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